First Half Of Winter Review In Ohio

Soil Moisture Condition Monitoring Report

 Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 1/20/2018
Submitted: 1/20/2018 6:26 AM
Scale Bar: Moderately Wet
Soil is wet but frozen so soil moisture condition is essentially unchanged. New liquid precipitation 0.23 in past 7 days with 4.7 inches of new snow. 4 inches of snow on the ground this morning.
Categories: Plants & Wildlife

What is the Condition Monitoring Report? Click here for more information:

40th Anniversary – Great Ohio Valley Blizzard of 1978

Several decades ago, the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes were paralyzed by one of the worst winter storms to ever sweep across the region. Transportation, schools, and businesses were shut down for days. The “Great Blizzard of 1978” dumped vast amounts of snow across the region and caused widespread near-hurricane strength wind gusts that heaped snow into enormous drifts. A legend to those who lived through it, this once-in-a-lifetime storm will always be the standard by which the severities of all future winter storms to hit this region are judged. Read more here>>>


Additional Details for CVG, CMH, and DAY.
Summary from NWS Akron, OH (Special Weather Statement from Feb 1, 1978)>>>
Summary from NWS Northern Indiana>>>
Summary from NWS Cleveland>>>
Summary from NWS Indianapolis>>>