Rainfall in the last week 0.15. Rainfall since September 1: 0.68. Rain last Wednesday evening looked good but was much too little to do more than dampen the surface. Otherwise, mild temperature, low humidities and drying winds have once again predominated over the past week, further intensifying the drought. Tree stress is severe. Trees have rapidly moved through their fall color stage and defoliated, leaving a landscape more normal for late November. I have seen an increasing number of mature spruce trees with heavy needle loss in landscapes. Several are dead and many more are dying. Quite a few shrubs are no better. Lawns are parched. Shrunken soil has pulled away from foundations leaving foundations to shift and crack. Current drought is combining with the after effects of the 2007 drought and somewhat lesser 2008 drought to intensify effects on local vegetation and trees. I am anticipating significant losses and after effects which will last for years. Most local ponds are low and stream flow is low or non-existent.