Soil Moisture Condition Monitoring Weekly Report: Mildly Wet

Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 5/25/2019
Submitted: 5/25/2019 6:35 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Wet

1.19 inches of rain during the past week with above normal temperatures and drying rates. Soil moisture is above normal. Local plants, crops, or pastures are healthy and lush.

Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife

This report is specifically for the Arbor Doctor’s location 3.4 miles west of Cheviot, OH, in the western suburbs of Cincinnati in southwest Ohio. This location is also an official cooperative observation site for the National Weather Service listed as Cheviot 3W.

What is the Condition Monitoring Report? See these links for more information:

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Soil Moisture Condition Monitoring Weekly Report: Mildly Wet

Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 5/18/2019
Submitted: 5/18/2019 6:10 AM
Scale Bar: Mildly Wet

0.63 inches of rain over the past 7 days. Soil moisture is above normal. Local plants and lawns are healthy and lush. Good drying conditions. Conditions have actually been fairly dry lately but high residual soil moisture is preventing any signs of dry weather stress.


General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife

This report is specifically for the Arbor Doctor’s location 3.4 miles west of Cheviot, OH, in the western suburbs of Cincinnati in southwest Ohio. This location is also an official cooperative observation site for the National Weather Service listed as Cheviot 3W.

What is the Condition Monitoring Report? See these links for more information:

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Cool today, hot tamale. Summer will be bubbling up in the east over the next week. Winter rages on …in California!

One year ago today, May 14, 2019, the high temperature in Cincinnati was 90 degrees and we were in the middle of the hottest May on record. This morning’s low was 40. So far, May 2019 has been the virtual opposite of May 2018 with an average temperature thus far of -0.2 degrees below normal. However, things are about to change.

For most of the winter, high pressure has maintained itself either near or off the southeast US coast. A Bermuda high of sorts. Now that we are nearing meteorological summer, this Bermuda high is stretching its wings and trying to dominate the southeastern US. As it does so, cooler air will be displaced and warm to hot  weather will build in the east.  While no 90’s are in the immediate outlook in Cincinnati, temperatures should be topping 80 by the weekend.

The Bermuda high will force a bit of a traffic jam in the atmosphere. While there will be occasional rain chances in Cincinnati, it looks like a much drier pattern is developing in the east. A very cold and wintery pattern is setting up in the west with frequent, flooding rains and storms in the nation’s mid-section.

While this is the beginning of California’s dry season, nobody told mother nature. Heavy rains are forecast for central and northern California over the next couple weeks with  mountain snow measured in feet, very unusual for mid to late May.

Cool in the west and hot in the east. Could this be a preview of our summer? Stay tuned!