Soil Moisture Condition Monitoring Weekly Report: Moderately Wet

Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 5/11/2019
Submitted: 5/11/2019 6:40 AM
Scale Bar: Moderately Wet

Very warm and mostly dry, breezy weather for much of the week with 7 day rainfall of only 0.30 and good drying rates. A week ago we were about as wet as I have ever seen. Soil surface dried out this week but obviously there is still abundant soil moisture with some standing water in swales.

Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife

This report is specifically for the Arbor Doctor’s location 3.4 miles west of Cheviot, OH, in the western suburbs of Cincinnati in southwest Ohio. This location is also an official cooperative observation site for the National Weather Service listed as Cheviot 3W.

What is the Condition Monitoring Report? See these links for more information:

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Soil Moisture Condition Monitoring Weekly Report: Severely Wet

Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 5/4/2019
Submitted: 5/04/2019 6:31 AM
Scale Bar: Severely Wet

2.38 inches of rain in the past week. 28.29 inches of rain in 2019, a record pace. Standing water widespread. Soils completely saturated. Runoff widespread. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it this wet. Standing water has been present for so long in swales that algae is forming.

General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife

This report is specifically for the Arbor Doctor’s location 3.4 miles west of Cheviot, OH, in the western suburbs of Cincinnati in southwest Ohio. This location is also an official cooperative observation site for the National Weather Service listed as Cheviot 3W.

What is the Condition Monitoring Report? See these links for more information:

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It’s not your imagination. It has been very wet.

Over the last 60 days, rainfall has been 3-6 inches above normal in the central Ohio valley. Interestingly, rainfall has been below normal not far to the southeast in eastern Kentucky.

If you are thinking that your yard is soggy lately, it is not your imagination. For whatever reason, while rainfall has been well above normal this spring, my neighborhood seems to be getting deluge after deluge in quantities exceeding many other parts of the metro area. In the past 24 hours, I have measured 1.45 inches of rain at my Cheviot OH 3W location, yielding 27.36 inches of rain since January 1. Normal since January 1 would be about 15 inches. In 2018, I measured 65.46 inches of rain, compared to an annual average of 43.72 inches. So, if you feel like you are living in a rain forest, or a swamp, it is not your imagination.