During severe weather season, geographic illiteracy is hazardous to your health

This video, only 2 minutes and 16 seconds long, is an all time favorite of mine and describes a critical deficiency during severe weather season.

Stunningly, up to 85% of the population can’t draw a dot within 50 miles of their house on a map. This geographic illiteracy is a sad commentary on the state of education in this country and is the reason that in social media, during a severe weather outbreak, we see question after question, “what about Fairfield?”, “what about Amelia?” , “what about Harrison?”, “what about Hebron?”, “What about Green Township?”. What about? What about? What about?

Not being able to identify your location on a map could have deadly consequences during severe weather season. Please use the graphic below to locate yourself and your local area on a map, before severe weather develops and you need to ask, “is that tornado near me”, as the storm bears down on your house.

It is impossible for meteorologists to give 1,000 individual briefings. It is much simpler to learn to find yourself on a map.