December 2022 Weather and Climate Summary. Warm and dry, then a blizzard with bitter cold and a white Christmas, then warm again.

Christmas Day 2022. White Christmas!

Regional Climate Report – December 2022>>>

December 23, 2022 — Snow, Winds, and Extreme Cold>>>

December 23-26, 2022 – Cross-Country Major Winter Storm and Arctic Blast>>>



How dramatic was the temp drop? Cincinnati (CVG) recorded the following temp drops below. Records back to 1947 when obs began at CVG. Image courtesy Iowa Mesonet.

* 2nd fastest 3-hr temp drop (28F drop)
* fastest 6-hr temp drop (39F drop)
* fastest 12-hr temp drop (52F drop)

There have been several record observations throughout the event. To add to the list, a weather balloon observed a December monthly record temperature for the month at 850 millibars (~3600 feet) of -29.3°C.

December 23 corner of Glenway and Werk at -9F.

Bridgetown Road December 23

Blowing snow December 23

Christmas Day:

Cillician fir trees at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

Dawn redwoods at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

Amazing Grace katsura tree at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

Bald cypress trees at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

Bald cypress trees at Spring Grove Cemetery and Arboretum

Hemlocks, white pines, and Norway spruce trees at Mitchell Memorial Forest
