2021 Weather Summary Cheviot OH 3.4W

March 2021. Warm and a little dry.>>>

April 2021 Weather Summary. Normal temperatures, rather dry, ups and downs, and SNOW!!!>>>

May 2021. Cooler and drier than normal.>>>

June 2021. Warm and very wet in the Cincinnati area. Dry pockets in parts of Ohio.>>>

July 2021: Cool and dry after a very wet start>>>

August 2021 Weather Summary>>>

September 2021 Weather Summary. Warm and rather dry>>>

October 2021. Very warm and very wet>>>

November 2021. Cool and dry. Late fall color spectacular!>>>

December 2021. Very warm. Historic and tragic tornado outbreak>>>

Month Month

Total Rain and melted ppt

Annual Total Rain and melted ppt 30 Yr Avg/ YTD Rain & melted ppt* Departure

Rain and melted ppt

Month Total Snow Total Snow July-June 30 Yr Avg Snow/Avg Snow Season to date July-June* Snow Season




Jan 3.11 3.11 3.35/3.35 -0.24 6.3 11.5 5.1/8.6 +2.9
Feb 3.58 6.69 2.99/6.34 +0.35 15.2 26.7 4.9/13.5 +13.2
Mar 3.83 10.52 4.19/10.53 -0.01 0 26.7 2.5/16.0 +10.7
April 3.08 13.60 4.21/14.74 -1.14 3.2 29.9 0.3/16.3 +13.6
May 4.16 17.76 5.43/20.17 -2.41 0 29.9 0.0/16.3 +13.6
June 8.35 26.11 4.33/24.50 +1.61 0 29.9 0.0/16.3 +13.6
July 4.09 30.20 4.60/29.10 +1.10 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Aug 2.79 32.99 3.36/32.46 +0.53 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Sept 3.00 35.99 2.87/35.33 +0.66 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Oct 6.03 42.02 3.47/38.80 +3.22 0 0 0.2/0.2 -0.2
Nov 1.93 43.95 3.69/42.49 +1.46 T T 0.3/0.5 -0.5
Dec 3.54 47.49 3.68/46.17 +1.32 0.8 0.8 3.0/3.5 -2.7


Month Mean Temp Mean Max Temp Mean  Min Temp 30YearAvg



Departure Accum Hours Below Freezing July-June Grow Degree Days
Jan 33.0 38.8 27.3 30.8 +2.5 699 2
Feb 29.3 36.3 22.4 34.5 -5.2 1171 22
Mar 48.1 59.6 36.6 43.6 +4.5 1276 191
April 54.3 64.8 43.8 54.2 +0.1 1316 472
May 61.1 72.3 49.9 63.5 -2.4 1316 898
June 73.7 82.8 64.5 72.1 +1.6 1316 1614
July 75.3 84.3 66.3 75.9 -0.6 0 2377
Aug 77.1 86.8 67.5 74.8 +2.3 0 NA
Sept 69.9 80.8 59.1 67.6 +2.3 0 NA
Oct 61.9 70.6 53.2 55.9 +6.0 0 NA
Nov 43.1 52.8 33.3 45.1 -2.0 150 NA
Dec 44.7 54.0 35.4 34.1 +10.6 305 NA


Total days in 2020 of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher: 17

First 90 degree day: June 12

Latest 90 degree day: September 18

2022 Weather Summary Cheviot OH 3.4W

January 2022 Weather Summary. Cold with below normal rain and snowfall>>>

February 2022 Weather Summary. Wet with one heck of a winter storm>>>

March 2022. Warm and dry with a late month freeze>>>

April 2022 Weather and Climate Summary. Cool and dry>>>

May 2022 Weather and Climate Summary. Warm and wet>>>

June 2022 Weather Summary>>>

July 2022 Weather and Climate Summary: Hot, dry and violent>>>

August 2022 Climate Summary Cheviot OH 3W and Cincinnati tristate>>>

September 2022 Climate Summary. Wet, warm followed by dry>>>

Weather and Climate Summary for October 2022. Drought with normal temperatures>>>

November 2022 Climate Summary. Warm and very dry with drought conditions developing>>>.

December 2022 Weather and Climate Summary. Warm and dry, then a blizzard with bitter cold and a white Christmas, then warm again>>>

Month MonthTotal Rain and melted ppt Annual Total Rain and melted ppt 30 Yr Avg/ YTD Rain & melted ppt* DepartureRain and melted ppt Month Total Snow Total Snow July-June 30 Yr Avg Snow/Avg Snow Season to date July-June*


Snow SeasonDeparture



Jan 2.42 2.42 3.35/3.35 -0.93 4.0 4.8 5.1/8.6 -3.8
Feb 6.37 8.79 2.99/6.34 +2.45 3.3 8.1 4.9/13.5 -5.4
Mar 2.61 11.40 4.19/10.53 +0.87 0.7 8.8 2.5/16.0 -7.2
April 2.92 14.32 4.21/14.74 -0.42 T 8.8 0.3/16.3 -7.5
May 7.04 21.36 5.43/20.17 +1.19 0 8.8 0.0/16.3 -7.5
June 4.73 26.09 4.33/24.50 +1.59 0 8.8 0.0/16.3 -7.5
July 3.66 29.75 4.60/29.10 +.65 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Aug 4.73 34.48 3.36/32.46 +2.02 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Sept 3.96 38.44 2.87/35.33 +3.11 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Oct 1.28 39.72 3.47/38.80 +0.92 0 0 0.2/0.2 -0.2
Nov 1.81 41.53 3.69/42.49 -0.96 2.2 2.2 0.3/0.5 +1.7
Dec 2.68 44.21 3.68/46.17 -1.96 7.0 9.2 3.0/3.5 +5.7


Month MeanTemp MeanMax








Departure Accum Hours Below Freezing July-June Grow Degree Days
Jan 28.2 36.3 20.0 30.8 -2.6 819 4
Feb 35.8 45.4 26.2 34.5 +1.3 1179 21
Mar 47.6 58.2 37.1 43.6 +5.0 1284 124
April 52.8 61.6 44.0 54.2 -1.4 1299 294
May 67.4 77.4 57.4 63.5 +3.9 1299 839
June 73.3 84.3 62.4 72.1 +1.2 1299 1548
July 77.5 86.4 68.5 75.9 +1.6 0 2410
Aug 74.6 84.4 64.7 74.8 -0.2 0 NA
Sept 68.1 78.4 57.9 67.6 +0.5 0 NA
Oct 55.8 67.6 44.0 55.9 -0.1 1 NA
Nov 45.8 55.5 36.1 45.1 +0.7 180 NA
Dec 36.0 43.8 28.1 34.1 +1.9 487 NA


Total days in 2022 of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher:  20

First 90 degree day: June 13

Latest 90 degree day: September 21