2019 Weather Summary Cheviot OH 3.4W

December 2019 Weather Summary. Very warm but with above normal snow and a slightly white Christmas>>>

Meteorological Fall 2019 included a record hot September and early October, a cold November, above normal snowfall, below normal rainfall>>>

2018-2019 CoCoRaHS Water Year Summary>>>

Month Month

Total Rain and melted ppt

Annual Total Rain and melted ppt 30 Yr Avg/ YTD Rain & melted ppt* 2019DepartureRain and melted ppt Month Total Snow Total Snow July-June 30 Yr Avg Snow/Avg Snow Season to date July-June* Snow Season




Jan     5.19     5.19 3.35/3.35        +1.84     15.1   18.6 5.1/8.6        +10.0
Feb     7.94   13.13 2.99/6.34       +6.79       1.7  20.3 4.9/13.5          +6.8
Mar     5.81   18.94 4.19/10.53       +8.41       2.7  23.0 2.5/16.0          +7.0
April     6.97   25.91 4.21/14.74       +11.17           T  23.0 0.3/16.3          +6.7
May    5.26   31.17 5.43/20.17      +11.00           0  23.0 0.0/16.3          +6.7
June    8.92  40.09 4.33/24.50      +15.59           0  23.0 0.0/16.3          +6.7
July   7.18  47.27 4.60/29.10      +18.17           0    0.0 0.0/0.0                0
Aug   4.67  51.94 3.36/32.46      +19.48           0    0.0 0.0/0.0                0
Sept   0.79  52.58 2.87/35.33       +17.25           0    0.0 0.0/0.0                0
Oct   3.22  55.80 3.47/38.80       +17.00           T        T 0.2/0.2           -0.2
Nov   3.41  59.21 3.69/42.49       +16.72        3.3     3.3 0.3/0.5           +2.8
Dec   3.87 63.08 3.68/46.17       +16.91        3.9     7.2 3.0/3.5           +3.7




Month Mean


Mean Max Temp Mean Min Temp 30YearAvg



2020 Departure Accum Hours Below Freezing July-June Grow Degree Days Season To Date
Jan 30.7 38.3 23.1 30.8 -0.1 819 21
Feb 38.3 46.9  29.7 34.5 +3.8 1062 70
Mar 40.9 50.2 31.6 43.6 -2.7 1293 154
April 57.3 67.9 46.6 54.2 +3.1 1313 318
May 66.9 76.1 57.6 63.5 +3.4 1313 836
June 71.6 80.6 62.5 72.1 -0.5 1313 1494
July  77.7 87.8 67.5 75.9 +1.8 NA 2249
Aug 74.5 85.1 65.3 74.8  +0.3 NA NA
Sept 74.3 86.4 62.1 67.6 +6.7 NA NA
Oct 59.8 70.8 48.7 55.9  +3.9 0 NA
Nov 39.7 48.3 31.0 45.1  -5.4 163 NA
Dec 40.1 48.8 31.4 34.1  +6.0 381 NA


Total days in 2019 of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher: 29. 

First 90 degree day: June 28.

Latest 90 degree day: October 3.

2020 Weather Summary Cheviot OH 3.4W

January 2020 Weather Summary. Very warm, somewhat wet, and mostly snowless…until the end>>>

February 2020. The wintriest month of a very warm 2019-2020 meteorological winter>>>

The groundhog was right. March 2020 was very warm, wet, and mostly snowless>>>

April 2020. A cool month with the worst spring freeze in years and a major outbreak of weak tornadoes>>>

May 2020 Weather Summary. Cooler than normal and wet with a very hard and damaging late freeze>>>

June 2020 somewhat warmer and drier than normal>>>

July 2020. Hot and dry, until late month>>>

August 2020 temperatures a little cooler than normal in the Ohio valley with spotty rainfall>>>

After a warm start, September 2020 turned cool and dry. Some welcome rains late but still a need to water>>>

October 2020. Slightly below normal temperatures and very dry, then very wet>>>

November 2020 weather summary. Above normal temperatures with precipitation close to normal. The weather pattern featured some windy conditions, severe weather, and even some winter weather to close out the month>>>

Warm, dry, but occasionally wintry December 2020>>>

Month Month

Total Rain and melted ppt

Annual Total Rain and melted ppt 30 Yr Avg/ YTD Rain & melted ppt* 2020DepartureRain and melted ppt Month Total Snow Total Snow July-June 30 Yr Avg Snow/Avg Snow Season to date July-June* Snow Season




Jan 4.42 4.42 3.35/3.35 +1.07 1.3 8.5 5.1/8.6  -0.1
Feb 3.34 7.76 2.99/6.34 +1.42 5.1 13.6 4.9/13.5  +0.1
Mar 5.35 13.11 4.19/10.53 +2.58  T 13.6 2.5/16.0 -2.4
April 4.14 17.25 4.21/14.74 +2.51 0 13.6 0.3/16.3 -2.7
May 7.45 24.70 5.43/20.17 +4.53 0 13.6 0.0/16.3 -2.7
June 3.49 28.19 4.33/24.50 +3.69 0 13.6 0.0/16.3 -2.7
July 4.88 33.07 4.60/29.10 +3.97 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Aug 3.99 37.06 3.36/32.46 +4.60 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Sept 2.25 39.31 2.87/35.33 +3.98 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Oct 5.01 44.32 3.47/38.80 +5.52 0 0 0.2/0.2 -0.2
Nov 3.39 47.71 3.69/42.49 +5.52 1.3 1.3 0.3/0.5 +1.1
Dec 2.07 49.78 3.68/46.17 +3.61 3.9 5.2 3.0/3.5 +1.7

*new data was used to figure 30 year averages

Month Mean Temp Mean Max Temp Mean Min Temp 30YearAvg



2020Departure Accum Hours Below Freezing July-June Grow Degree Days
Jan 37.8 44.9 30.6 30.8 +7.0  617 26
Feb 35.9 43.7 28.1 34.5 +1.4 890 52
Mar 49.3 58.0 40.6 43.6 +5.7 939 210
April 52.3 62.2 42.4 54.2 -1.9 956 411
May 61.8 71.2 52.5 63.5 -1.7 962 825
June 73.5 83.9 63.2 72.1 +1.4 962 1511
July 78.5 88.7 68.2 75.9 +2.6 0 2395
Aug 73.9 83.6 64.2 74.8 -0.9 0 NA
Sept 67.2 78.2 56.1 67.6 -0.4 0 NA
Oct 55.7 65.2 46.2 55.9 -0.2 2 NA
Nov 49.6 59.5 39.8 45.1 +4.5 44 NA
Dec 36.4 44.1 28.7 34.1 +2.3 366 NA

Total days in 2020 of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher: 20

First 90 degree day: June 6

Latest 90 degree day: August 25

2021 Weather Summary Cheviot OH 3.4W

March 2021. Warm and a little dry.>>>

April 2021 Weather Summary. Normal temperatures, rather dry, ups and downs, and SNOW!!!>>>

May 2021. Cooler and drier than normal.>>>

June 2021. Warm and very wet in the Cincinnati area. Dry pockets in parts of Ohio.>>>

July 2021: Cool and dry after a very wet start>>>

August 2021 Weather Summary>>>

September 2021 Weather Summary. Warm and rather dry>>>

October 2021. Very warm and very wet>>>

November 2021. Cool and dry. Late fall color spectacular!>>>

December 2021. Very warm. Historic and tragic tornado outbreak>>>

Month Month

Total Rain and melted ppt

Annual Total Rain and melted ppt 30 Yr Avg/ YTD Rain & melted ppt* Departure

Rain and melted ppt

Month Total Snow Total Snow July-June 30 Yr Avg Snow/Avg Snow Season to date July-June* Snow Season




Jan 3.11 3.11 3.35/3.35 -0.24 6.3 11.5 5.1/8.6 +2.9
Feb 3.58 6.69 2.99/6.34 +0.35 15.2 26.7 4.9/13.5 +13.2
Mar 3.83 10.52 4.19/10.53 -0.01 0 26.7 2.5/16.0 +10.7
April 3.08 13.60 4.21/14.74 -1.14 3.2 29.9 0.3/16.3 +13.6
May 4.16 17.76 5.43/20.17 -2.41 0 29.9 0.0/16.3 +13.6
June 8.35 26.11 4.33/24.50 +1.61 0 29.9 0.0/16.3 +13.6
July 4.09 30.20 4.60/29.10 +1.10 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Aug 2.79 32.99 3.36/32.46 +0.53 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Sept 3.00 35.99 2.87/35.33 +0.66 0 0 0.0/0.0 0
Oct 6.03 42.02 3.47/38.80 +3.22 0 0 0.2/0.2 -0.2
Nov 1.93 43.95 3.69/42.49 +1.46 T T 0.3/0.5 -0.5
Dec 3.54 47.49 3.68/46.17 +1.32 0.8 0.8 3.0/3.5 -2.7


Month Mean Temp Mean Max Temp Mean  Min Temp 30YearAvg



Departure Accum Hours Below Freezing July-June Grow Degree Days
Jan 33.0 38.8 27.3 30.8 +2.5 699 2
Feb 29.3 36.3 22.4 34.5 -5.2 1171 22
Mar 48.1 59.6 36.6 43.6 +4.5 1276 191
April 54.3 64.8 43.8 54.2 +0.1 1316 472
May 61.1 72.3 49.9 63.5 -2.4 1316 898
June 73.7 82.8 64.5 72.1 +1.6 1316 1614
July 75.3 84.3 66.3 75.9 -0.6 0 2377
Aug 77.1 86.8 67.5 74.8 +2.3 0 NA
Sept 69.9 80.8 59.1 67.6 +2.3 0 NA
Oct 61.9 70.6 53.2 55.9 +6.0 0 NA
Nov 43.1 52.8 33.3 45.1 -2.0 150 NA
Dec 44.7 54.0 35.4 34.1 +10.6 305 NA


Total days in 2020 of 90 degrees Fahrenheit or higher: 17

First 90 degree day: June 12

Latest 90 degree day: September 18