Condition Monitoring Report
Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 2/17/2017
Submitted: 2/17/2017 7:20 PM
Scale Bar: Near Normal
Observed conditions are expected for this time of year. February rainfall is below normal with only 0.96 to date and only 0.18 in the last 7 days. Temperatures have been above normal but cool enough to keep soil moisture evaporation to a minimum. Conditions were wet in January and conditions have only recently returned to near normal for this time of year.
Categories: General Awareness
January 21, 2017 Moisture Condition Monitoring Report
Condition Monitoring Report
Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 1/21/2017
Submitted: 1/21/2017 7:53 AM
Scale Bar: Severely Wet
Soil is wet. Ground is completely saturated with water. Standing water is abundant. Water bodies are very elevated. No flooding. 11 consecutive days with measurable rainfall with no drying. 2.75 inches rain in past 11 days. Any field work or excavation is difficult to impossible right now due to wet conditions.
Categories: General Awareness
Business And Industry
Ground Hog May Be Confused This Year
Trust the rodent if you like but it’s looking like 6 more weeks of winter to the Arbor Doctor!