It’s cold out there this morning!

There go the plant hardiness zones!

Location Time
Sky/Weather Temp.
Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky International Airport 07:52 Partly Cloudy -6 -8 91 S 3 30.16
Columbus, Port Columbus International Airport 07:51 Partly Cloudy -8 -12 82 S 3 30.17
Dayton, Cox Dayton International Airport 07:56 A Few Clouds -1 -8 72 S 10 30.11
Wilmington, Airborne Airpark Airport 07:54 Fair -8 -13 78 S 3 30.13
Butler County Regional Airport 07:53 Fair -19 -24 77 Calm 30.20
Cincinnati, Cincinnati Municipal Airport Lunken Field 07:53 Fog/Mist -6 -9 86 Calm 30.24
Bloomington, Monroe County Airport 07:53 Fair with Haze -10 -16 74 SE 3 30.14
Lexington, Blue Grass Airport 07:54 Overcast 7 2 80 S 3 30.16
Dayton, Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport 07:53 Fair -5 -10 79 S 9 30.12
Indianapolis, Indianapolis International Airport 07:54 Partly Cloudy -5 -10 79 S 6 30.11
Louisville, Standiford Field 07:56 A Few Clouds 11 -0 61 Calm 30.21
Frankfort, Capital City Airport 07:53 A Few Clouds 5 -3 69 SE 3 30.16
Columbus / Bakalar 06:50 Clear -18 -24 75 Calm 30.20
Click on location name for the weather during the past two days at that site.

6 more weeks to climatological spring!

The climatologically coldest week of the year follows the shortest day of the year by about a month. This is the coldest week of the year. The coldest record lows ever recorded were in this week, including -25 in Cincinnati in 1977. We have already gained daylight in the weeks since the shortest day of the year. We have another 6 weeks of climatological winter. Climatological spring begins March 1 when the average day length equals mid-October and the average temperature equals December 1.

Beneficial rain…for some

Yesterday, CVG had record rainfall of 2.21 inches with over 6 inches for June.  That’s a lot of rain.  However, look at the distribution.

Ohio: Current 1-Day Observed Precipitation Valid at 6/24/2014 1200 UTC - Created 6/25/14 0:16 UTC

This map is a little vague but it will suffice to say that it was a very thin strip and many missed out.  As of this morning I had 1.13 inches at Cheviot 0.9 SSE while Goshen reported 0.68 at midnight and Amelia reported no rain. It is very important to always remember that what matters is what fell in YOUR yard!