Rains return, drought eases

A wetter weather pattern has set in during September, but not as wet as you might think.  The remnants of Isaac dumped a lot of rain, but the 4.50 at the CVG airport location was not representative.  Area wide, Isaac’s rainfall was veried, with most locations getting 2 or 3 inches.

CVG has now had over 7 inches for September.  This too is true, but not representative.  Ron’s Cheviot 0.9 SSE location has had 5.61 inches, and we continue to find dry soil profiles across the area.  Yes, the rain has been very helpful, but the need for water ing has not been eliminated.  Monitor soil moisture in your yard and if it is dry, continue to water.

More drought information and updates are available here>>>.  Note that parts of the area are still in some degree of drought.

An odd week for the drought index, but drought is worsening

Interesting how the extreme drought decreased this week over southwest Ohio in the US Drought Monitor despite the lack of rain.  I can only take these indices so seriously.  Suffice to say it’s very dry and getting drier.  Moderate and severe drought coverage expanded slightly this week.  Areas which got rain a couple weeks ago are getting quite dry again.  The Palmer Drought Index has more accurately depicted drought this year across the area.


Extreme drought in parts of the area

 Anyone who doubts just how dry this summer has been in some parts of the area need only look at this three month precipitation summary beginning on June 1, 2012, and ending Thursday, August 22.  Western Butler and northwestern Hamilton county are in extreme drought, with severe drought in eastern Butler county and central Hamilton county.  Southeastern Hamilton county has had adequate rainfall this summer and is not in drought.

Station Number : OH-HM-5 Station Name : Cheviot 0.9 SSE
< June 2012 >
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
27 28 29 30 31 1Precip: 1.94 2Precip: 0.22
3Precip: 0 4Precip: 0 5Precip: 0 6Precip: T 7Precip: 0 8Precip: 0 9Precip: 0
10Precip: 0 11Precip: 0.04 12Precip: 0.40 13Precip: 0 14Precip: 0 15Precip: 0 16Precip: 0
17Precip: 0 18Precip: 0.21 19Precip: 0 20Precip: 0 21Precip: 0 22Precip: T 23Precip: 0
24Precip: 0 25Precip: 0 26Precip: 0 27Precip: 0 28Precip: 0 29Precip: 0 30Precip: 0.47
Station Number : OH-HM-5 Station Name : Cheviot 0.9 SSE
< July 2012 >
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
1Precip: 0.05 2Precip: 0.11 3Precip: 0 4Precip: 0 5Precip: T 6Precip: 0 7Precip: 0
8Precip: 0 9Precip: 0.02 10Precip: 0 11Precip: 0 12Precip: 0 13Precip: 0 14Precip: T
15Precip: 0.22 16Precip: 0.04 17Precip: 0 18Precip: 0 19Precip: 0.29 20Precip: 0.25 21Precip: 0.01
22Precip: 0 23Precip: 0 24Precip: 0.01 25Precip: 0.20 26Precip: 0 27Precip: 0.31 28Precip: 0.45
29Precip: 0 30Precip: 0 31Precip: 0
Station Number : OH-HM-5 Station Name : Cheviot 0.9 SSE
< August 2012 >
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
29 30 31 1Precip: 0 2Precip: 0 3Precip: 0 4Precip: 0
5Precip: 0.02 6Precip: 0.23 7Precip: 0 8Precip: 0 9Precip: 0 10Precip: 0.50 11Precip: 0
12Precip: 0 13Precip: 0.01 14Precip: T 15Precip: 0 16Precip: 0 17Precip: 0.09 18Precip: 0.08
19Precip: 0 20Precip: 0 21Precip: 0 22Precip: 0 23Precip: 0 24 25
26 27 28 29 30 31 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8