A very cold and stormy February may be on tap, according to one forecaster. Click here.
Meteorological mid-winter
On January 18, 1977, the lowest temperature ever recorded in Cincinnati of -25F occurred. It is noteworthy that the coldest records of the year correspond to the coldest average week of the year. This is, on average, the coldest week of the year. It follows the shortest day of the year by one month. The hottest week of the year follows the longest day of the year by one month. Hence, the hottest average temperature and the highest records are in the third week of July.
The months on either side of January, December and February, are correspondingly cold, as are June and August correspondingly warm. Hence the idea of meteorological winter (December-February) and meteorological summer (June -August).
After this week, it starts to get warmer!
A global warming perspective which should be required reading
This column by economist Walter E. Williams should be required reading for those who buy into the hype connected to global warming. I (Ron) stand behind the scientific claims made in the column, with the exception of the stated time lines: