Warm and wet June, still be water vigilant

June rainfall totalled 6 to 9 inches in the Greater Cincinnati area.  Temperatures in June continued to be well above normal.  This combination of wet weather and hot weather led to scattered moisture stress in some plants, scattered root rot, increases in leaf diseases such as apple scab, and continued rapid progression of plant bloom times and pest emergence’s

While total rainfall was double normal in June, hot weather led to fast drying rates.  Therefore, smaller plants and new transplants may still need water.  Clay soil dries slowly even if the surface looks dry.  Check soil moisture with your fingers to see if soil is dry and water is needed.

More information on correct watering:  http://urbanext.illinois.edu/hortihints/0108a.html

Buy sprinklers and rain gauges here:  http://arbordoctor.com/tools.html

No more drought: prepare the ark!

After much needed and generous rains of one to two inches fell last weekend, a very heavy rain event appears likely this weekend, erasing any vestiges of drought in the Cincinnati area.  Rainfall of 2 to 4 inches, and locally higher, now appears likely between Saturday and Sunday night.  Rainfall of this magnitude will lead to localized and flash flooding, and river flooding is also possible.  Severe weather is also possible Sunday.

3 day rainfall forecast>>>

Day 2 severe outlook>>>

Hazardous weather outlook>>>

Excessive rainfall outlook>>>

US Drought Monitor>>>