How does this spring compare to “normal”?

How do you know when spring has begun? Is it the appearance of the first tiny leaves on the trees, or the first crocus plants peeping through the snow? The First Leaf and First Bloom Indices are synthetic measures of these early season events in plants, based on recent temperature conditions. These models allow us to track the progression of spring onset across the country.
Comparison of 2020 spring leaf out to average from 1981-2010

February 10, 2020

Spring leaf out has arrived in the Southeast, over three weeks earlier than a long-term average (1981-2010) in some locations. Charlottesville, VA is 24 days early, Knoxville, TN is 20 days early, and Nashville, TN is 18 days early.

Comparison of 2020 spring bloom to average from 1981-2010

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Record Warmth On Tuesday, Accelerated Growing Degree Day Accumulation

Growing Degree Days are a measurement of the growth and development of plants and insects during the growing season. Development does not occur at this time unless the temperature is above a minimum threshold value (base temperature). The base temperature varies for different organisms. It is determined through research and experimentation. The actual temperature experienced by an organism is influenced by several factors. These factors affect growth and development. For instance, depending on the weather, an organism’s temperature may be a few degrees more or less than that recorded. An organism may spend its time in the shade or under direct sunlight. The fertility and nutrient content of the soil directly affect the growth rate of insects and plants. The presence of weeds and precipitation may indirectly influence development. Due to these factors and some other scientific considerations, a base temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit is considered acceptable for all plants and insects.




Can Spring Be Far Behind?

It’s been a really cold winter. However, Silver Mapledespite that, we had a couple really warm days last week. Because of that, we have already accumulated 7-9 growing degree days in Cincinnati and 5 in Columbus. Silver maple comes into bloom at 34 degree days. This week is the coldest week of the winter. After this, we begin to slowly warm toward the first day of meteorological spring. We are already 7-9 growing degree days closer!

The GDD on 1/14 in previous years was:

    • 2017: 13
    • 2016: 2
    • 2015: 5
    • 2014: 2
    • 2013: 16
    • 2012: 8

Unlike the past few years, this year has been fairly consistently cold. High temperatures have been below freezing on 8 of 14 days. Lows have hit 0 or below 5 times, bottoming out at -7F. At least 1 inch of snow has been on the ground every day but 3 since Christmas Eve.

What are Growing Degree Days? Click here for more information>>>

Ohio State Phenology Calendar>>>