Dry September is breaking records in Indiana

INDIANAPOLIS (WISH) — Several signs like brown lawns and low creeks are pointing to the fact central Indiana is in need of rain. September ended up being the driest month on record and that isn’t the only record in jeopardy.

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Soil Moisture Condition Monitoring Weekly Report: Moderately Dry. Increasingly critical need to provide supplemental water to landscape trees and shrubs.

United States Drought Monitor

Station Number: OH-HM-24
Station Name: Cheviot 3.4 W
Report Date: 9/26/2020
Submitted: 9/26/2020 6:03 AM
Scale Bar: Moderately Dry

Soils are very dry. No measurable rain here for 12 days and 1.30 inches of rain in September. Dry conditions have persisted here for weeks but in much of the local area for well over a month. Soils are very dry. Lawn here is going into dormancy but many lawns in the local area are in drought stress. Trees are dropping leaves. Lakes and rivers are low. Crops are brown or turning brown. Increasingly critical need to provide supplemental water to landscape trees and shrubs.


General Awareness
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Water Supply & Quality

It’s dry and getting drier. Forecast calls for more dry weather in the coming weeks. Time to water! Please delay shutting down irrigation for the year.

This report is specifically for the Arbor Doctor’s location 3.4 miles west of Cheviot, OH, in the western suburbs of Cincinnati in southwest Ohio. This location is also an official cooperative observation site for the National Weather Service listed as Cheviot 3W.

What is the Condition Monitoring Report? See these links for more information:

Explanation of scale bar>>>

Search condition monitoring reports for the entire US>>>  


Condition Monitoring


Watershed Maps



A large dry area has developed from southern Illinois into southwest and west central Ohio.

Please remember to water…correctly!

Water once per week, one inch per week, under the entire branch spread, in the absence of rain, May through November. Either rainfall or your watering should equal the one inch per week. Put out a sprinkler and a straight sided soup can or rain gauge and measure one inch per week.

11-inch capacity rain gauge  >>>

Taylor rain gauge   >>>

Watering: How and when>>>

Watering Trees and Shrubs>>>

Sunrise at the South Pole. What Is Midnight Sun or Polar Day?

Midnattsol ved Nordkapp.

Midnight Sun at North Cape, Norway.

The September equinox means sunrise at the South Pole and sunset at the North Pole. The sun will not set again at the South Pole until the March  equinox. Midnight sun is when at least a part of the Sun’s disk is visible above the horizon 24 hours of the day. The scientific name for midnight Sun is polar day and the opposite is polar night. As the upper edge of the solar disc disappears below the horizon, the Sun has set, and there is no longer midnight Sun.

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