Summer Is Here And May Is Likely To Be The Hottest On Record In Cincinnati

After a snowy, wintry first month of meteorological spring, March, and a chilly, snowy April, we are on track for the warmest May on record.

This summer heat immediately after our cold first two months of meteorological spring has had interesting consequences. We are rapidly making up for lost time as plants and plant pests race through their progressions and degree day accumulations pile up faster than the heaviest lake effect snow squall. It’s become tricky keeping up with the rapid fire pace. Keep in mind that we are experiencing summer conditions, and many plants were not acclimated. It will be interesting to see how things evolve going forward. No cool down is in sight as the summer of 2018 is off to a rip roaring start. Spring? I don’t care what the calendar says. Spring 2018 is over.


8 to 14 Day Outlook - Temperature Probability

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Image result for weather the heat is on